Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Birthday, Big Bear, and Bourgeoisie

With the coming of January came my "relaxed" semester. I have two classes, Monday and Wednesday, along with a bar review seminar Wednesday night. Compared to the past two and a half years of my life, it's nice to finally have time to read a book.

Because of the wonderful Martin Luther King holiday, my first weekend of the semester was six long days. I decided to join about 20 other friends and head to Big Bear for snow fun.

But, I digress. It's been a while since I updated. Last time I updated (a real substantive update), was during the weekend between finals when I looked like this. You know it's me by the few days of stubble on the face, the chili cheese fries.

Note: It appears that my hair landed in the chili cheese fries. Let's hope I've washed my hair since then.

So finals ended. My last final was when? Take a guess people. My last final was on my birthday. How crappy is that? So, after my final, we proceeded to Gaslite for ultimate karaoke.

Prior to gaslite, I met for pizza and poker at my friend's place (which is why I brought the poker belt). Sadly, there was no poker. But I did retain my belt (I later lost it for failing to defend it in Big Bear...Bloodsport was on and it looked tight). But yes. It's my birthday, the belt was on my head, and I was running on very little sleep. So, I show up, consume lots of pizza. On the way to Trey's, my mom called to wish me happy birthday. After informing her of my plans to sing karaoke songs, my mom said, "Jeff, at of all my sons you probably have the best voice [and are my favorite son in general], but why do you have to scream?" (Note: bracketed information was added but implied from speaker's tone) Yes, courtesy of Twin, my mom and dad both got to see my karaoke performances. Fantastic huh? Thanks for the confidence mom.

But alas, it was time for Gaslite goodness, and I came out with voice at full volume. With three other law school chaps, we belted out: "Do they know it's Christmas."

Scott, Andrew, and Birthday Boy number 2--Trey Taylor. Good times were had. Lots of people came out. Did they come out for my birthday? Probably not. It was also the day many people were done with finals, so many ended up coming out just to celebrate that.

One of my friends from London, Stephanie (the red head) came as well. You might remember her from such London incidents as "It's Pimm's O'clock," "Help I've been stung by a Bee!" and "I'm deathly ill and I hate London." Stephanie gave me the best card I've ever received....

Yes. It's a kick ass birthday card. Thanks Stephanie.

Can we say Deer in headlights look? Not my favorite look. I prefer my "Blue Steel" a la Zoolander.

Also there was a guest appearance by my roommate from first year of law school, Brent. Interesting story about Brent. Brent and I were on a mock trial team at UCSD in undergrad. Brent walks into my room during move-in day. I go what are you doing here? He goes, I live here. And sure enough, by a complete random draw of the housing lottery, I end up with a friend from undergrad. It was good. Not only has Brent been a good friend throughout law school, he also externed with me at the district attorney's office. We worked alternate days but were still able to talk about the job. It was fantastic. Trey and John are in the picture, but they always show up, so no biggie.

And what would by birthday be without a visit from Santa Sadiq. With perhaps the best performance of the night, Sadiq rocked the Gaslite.

So how about the Bourgeoisie? Well, with an abundance of time on my hands, I am running several fantasy sports teams. Fantasy Hockey, 2 Fantasy Basketball Teams, a Fantasy Moguls team (basically, you pick a slate of movies that you think will do well and compete against other teams in the league based on various categories like box office figures, imdb review rating, per theater sales average, etc.), and----wait for it----wait for it----Fantasy Congress. Yes that's right, I've decided to put my intimate knowledge of Capitol Hill to work for me. I am in a league of Fantasy Congress. Filled with both Republicans and Democrats from all around the United States, we're in for the long haul (our season ends in August after the summer session), and sadly, I'm losing to library girl at this current moment. But, with a bang of lineup with such super stars (gag me) as Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, and Ike Skelton, I should fare quite well. Well, that's it for now. Expect more updates as time goes on. I still need to report on the Rose Parade, and I'm headed to Vegas this weekend for the little brother's 21st birthday. So, there should be plenty to report on. Oh yeah. I need to talk about Big Bear too. Next post...I promise.

That's it for now. You stay classy, San Diego.

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