Friday, November 10, 2006

Anonymous Democrat and Britney

First off, to the anonymous democrat who posted anonymously and called me a crybaby two posts ago. Go ahead and hide behind your veil of anonymity and call be a crybaby. At least I put a name on what I say (albeit my middle name). But alas, you are right, the market did end up. We'll see what the economy does over the next two years. Although, we both know that the economy has a long lag period. By that I mean it takes time for any change a President or legislature makes in order to see it have some measurable effect in the economy. Note this applies to tax cuts and NOT to entitlements given out.

More importantly, on to the real reason I posted! For those of you who have been living under a rock the past two days, Britney Spears has filed for divorce!!!! Yes, I know. Truly a momentous day. And for those of you who like CNN (probably anonymous demoncrat...i mean democrat included), what was the top story on election day? Not Pelosi, not Bush, not anything to do with the election. Instead, the top story was that K-fed and Britney were no more.

Being a Malibu resident, I truly feel bad for yet another relationship gone bad. Maybe it's something we put in the water here? Haha...what's that little birdie on my shoulder? It's the money. Ahhhh right you are. Anyways. With Britney as a newly single, this changes how much me and the hot singer have in common. I have updated my previous list (which I had to change when she got married) and alas, here is how it reads:

Things Britney Spears and I have in common
  1. We were both born in December.
  2. We were born in the same year (1981).
  3. We were both in Washington D.C. in the summer of 2003. I was interning for a congressman and she was performing at the National Mall (I actually saw her perform too).
  4. We both reside in Malibu.
  5. Disney played a big part in our upbringing (she was on the Mickey Mouse Club and....well my parents subscribed to the Disney channel...I don't think I watched it that much...other than Heavyweights...and Goonies).
  6. We both have cases pending in Los Angeles Superior Court (her divorce case...and her action to get a restraining order against me).
  7. We both like Subway (I spotted her there one day).
  8. We both hate Kevin Federline (I boo'd him off stage at his Halloween performance and...well she divorced him).
  9. And my favorite, we both like to kiss girls.

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