Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Guest Speakers

Sigh. Here I am in ethics. I forgot the number one rule of law school is do not show up when there is a guest speaker. And alas, I am sitting here in ethics, friendless. To my left, the seat, with the girl who always answers the question when the professor's prompt finds itself falling on deaf ears, sits empty. To the right, another vacancy. The seat on the right is usually filled with the only guy who dared to ask the professor a question during a review session.

But alas! They have both shown up. Oh joy. I will spend the next one hours watching a powerpoint presentation entitled, "What I wish I had learned in Law School...The best advice I never heard."

I'll update as necessary with funny quotes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I apologize for being late to class... dude, why DID we show up to the speaker?? If anything, now I know that DESIRE is a value in life so important that it is worthty of getting a free mug and pen from the LA County Bar Association... whoo.